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Author Topic: Georefferenced model locations in Global Mapper.  (Read 10955 times)


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Georefferenced model locations in Global Mapper.
« on: February 09, 2014, 07:42:27 pm »

 I've sorted out a workflow to create the high res location ref maps overlays in Global Mapper. It's a bit convoluted because GM is unforgiving of non georeffed imagery coming in - you can't simply drag and drop it onto the topo! I should really upgrade and ask the dev if he'd implement something like that. It would be so much easier.
Global Mapper is where all of our data is stored and everything starts out from there.

There are two quads, the larger is for modelling the surrounding area @ 2m/px. The smaller is for 1m/px. The scale shows up as half that in GM but that's because we work at half res in GM. I always have to export at what should be double the res to get to scale. For eg, data exported @100m is 20K.  To get a 40K map I export @50m, and so on.

Zooming right down into the site map...you can see the segments length I measured in yellow, you'll see 115m bottom left of image. The segment is measuring the scale printed on the map = 200 ft. So 115/2 = 60 or so m = approx 200 ft.
 To place sites in the WM world I can simply export tiled mask sets- that's accurate but pretty wasteful of space. Ideally what we want is a way of importing the site map into WM at the exact location without all of the surrounding masked out tiles. I'm sure we can work something out.
 So the cross hatched areas  are vector quads which can be used to crop exports, and all kinds of other operations.

With this we could build/import/export placeholder 3D vector site right here in Global Mapper using a 3D vector format- not sure which ones it supports yet...we can extrude vectors creating them from the map directly in GM or we can import vectors and extrude them. we can even build underground structures and view them with terrain transparency, etc.


« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 08:01:53 pm by monks »