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Messages - borosphere

Pages: [1]
3D Model Places / Re: Place List
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:32:59 pm »
Hi again. Sorry for stirring things up, I was half joking really. Ho ho. hum. Anyway, some interesting ideas here. I would agree that the terrain has stayed much the same since the Second Age, maybe more forested before Men came along and started farming. Is it possible to have overlays of some sort such that users could pick a timescale and get the correct buildings? Or tag structures with a time period? Or even animate the whole thing in geological time. :D

I think the movie terrain is more or less accurate except for the obvious things like squashing the distance between Minas Morgul and Minas Tirith, stuff like that. Great for the filmic effect but not necessary.

As to a database of references for descriptions of places, an excellent idea as it will keep things consistent. Also some templates of building styles and methods. Obviously the forum is not the place for this, how would it be implemented?

Orthanc: Tolkien went through a few designs for Orthanc, all of which were very much tower-like so maybe you're right about it being built using 'magical' skills. Here's his final sketch from HoME Vol 8 (The War Of The Ring) which pretty much corresponds with descriptions in the text. Tolkien was notorious for changing his mind so who knows?

Here are the refs:
FOTR Book II Ch.2 Gandalf's description. "But Isengard is a circle of sheer rocks that enclose a valley as with a wall, and in the midst of that valley is a tower of stone called Orthanc... made by the Men of Numenor...yet it looks not to be a work of craft."

TTT Book I Chapters 8 and 10 have the best descriptions, and also the changes that Saruman made.
If you set up a database let me know and I'll start stuffing it. Page references are no good as everyone will have different editions, or none at all, so Volume, Book and Chapter are enough, perhaps paragraph which are separated by blank lines and seem to be consistent across editions. Although there are plenty of sites with descriptions of named places I don't know of any which focus on the architectural so it would be very useful.

3D Model Places / Re: Place List
« on: May 24, 2013, 11:05:19 pm »
Can I just throw a handful of spanners in the works? Sorry about this...

Isengard: twice in the book it says that Orthanc did not look to be made by any craft. I assume this means it's just a pinnacle of rock, which saves a lot of work.

West door of Moria: there was no lake at this time.

Hobbiton: hobbits only moved to the Shire in TA1601 so not much there yet.

No Green Dragon I'm afraid. No Bywater. Or Crickhollow.

Edoras: nope, the Rohirrim hadn't arrived yet. Gondorian settlements and those Dunlander ancestors in the Westfarthing, probably.

Helm's Deep: not sure. The fort was there but how much of it is difficult to say. Gondorian construction.

Minas Tirith: nope. It was still called Minas Anor and the White Tower hadn't been built yet.

Osgiliath was still thriving, not ruined, although the King moved the centre of government to Minas Anor in 1640.

Minas Ithil: Aah! the Tower of the Moon! A wondrous sight, so I've heard. Still occupied by Gondor.

Moria: still a great dwarf kingdom. Knock yourselves out with that one.

Dol Guldur: ummm...not sure.

Amon Llaw: same as Amon Hen but with bats? :D

Morannon Gate: Sauron wasn't around then so may not have been there. Watch this space (or that space)

Barad Dur: nope, just the foundations.

The Carrock: not where Beorn lives, just an island hill in the Anduin. (Don't mention the river.)

Lake Town, Dale: needs more research.

No troll camp. Sorry.

No point in beacons; no Rohirrim to summon. Rats!

I'd add Cirith Ungol, much nicer than in the film, still occupied by Gondor.

Fornost, capital of Arthedain. Situated at the end of the Greenway, to the north of Bree.

Grey Havens and the three towers. The tallest tower had a palantir which only looked West to Eressëa. But that's a whole different project.

So.. yeah. I'll get off now shall I?

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:55:28 pm »
Hi folks, you're all very brave taking on this huge task. Tolkien was at it his whole life! I can't run the demo but the video is stunning. Keep it up. I can't do any modelling but I can do research if anyone needs it. (Big Tolkien nut)

I saw somewhere that the world is dated around the 1600s T.A. is that right? Amon Hen was still in use then, lots of other buildings around too.

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