Middle-Earth World > 3D Model Places

Amon Hen

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Well I've been threatening to learn blender, so amon hen looked like it might be a good basic place for me to start.  I've see what I can do with this for you guys.

The watchtower seat on the hill ? That sounds cool. I was thinking that in time I might have a go at the Statues of Argonath guarding the Anduin not far from there. At the mo tho Outerra does not support rivers so our Anduin is not placed and the lakes are especially sunken so that they make mini seas so Outerra can render them with water. So it might be a little difficult to place the exact spot at this time tho it should be easier in due course.

Yep that would be the place, where aragon fought the orcs, helping frodo to escape with sam.  It has the four birds on top / stairs through middle / two base guardians.  I think as far as the landscape location goes, its kind of up in the air.  From the reference photos it looks like is more rolling hilltop with no great elevation differences, while a mat painting has it standing overlooking a great drop into what I suppose is the river.  In any case this will take me awhile as I'm starting from dead zero with blender. But you guys have worked on this quite a while so I hope you won't mind if it takes me awhile also.

That sounds great vellum. Just remember whast we said about using the films as refs  ;D That's probably the number one thing that will cause ip issues. All I say is if you're going to use use them, tweak them enough to make them only suggestive.
 I can look into that location for the next build. I think we'll have to release update builds as we go on- with new locations patched in. We'll need to do that for lake areas anyway, because the lakes will change their height.
 There's a few refs you could use. THe books of course...the films, paintings by Tolkien artists, Wynn Fonstad's Atlas of M-E, and the role playing resources, especially from I.C.E. I'll be posting a list later today with that short list of ref ideas.


As I said on CG my kitchen project is really kickin my butt atm, so by the time evening arrives I'm beat.  that said I've gotten a rough, though really out of proportion block out of the stairs and pedestal and column layout worked up.  I'll post up a thumb sometime next week, this will be an untextured mass model of course.  As a complete blender newbie this has been a real learning experience for me, there are a ton of interface commands and procedures to learn, so this will be a slow moving target LOL.  In any case I will keep plugging away on it so we have a model to plop in for a test run.

I know you said you also where interested in learning blender so a new version of blender has been release in the past week which has apparently added some really nice features.  Go download it  :D 


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