Middle-Earth World > 3D Model Places

Potential Games


Sorry if there's a post on this elsewhere, but has the team been approached by anyone wanting to make a game with this/already working on it?

The only way there could be any Middle-Earth game based on this would be if the current LotR video game rights holder (Warner Bros) wanted to make a game based on this (or to have it made). That's quite unlikely though.

Yes, Cameni said it. I don't have any realistic expectations..well no expectations at all that that will happen. This is not being created as a game, if you wanted to find a word to describe it I guess it's more a visualisation, a way for people to walk around in the world. Once Occulus Rift arrives, it will be a much more compelling experience.
 That doesn't mean to say that it's not a good place to hone your skills, build a portfolio or learn some 3D modelling. It is!



--- Quote from: cameni on February 03, 2014, 09:58:36 am ---The only way there could be any Middle-Earth game based on this would be if the current LotR video game rights holder (Warner Bros) wanted to make a game based on this (or to have it made). That's quite unlikely though.

--- End quote ---


 .. so all that is on their mercy. The only backdoor is if it would be a  freeware effort (just like complex MODs for other games). That needs a hardcore community. But i would not diminish that happening.

Yeh, it's always on their mercy....//looks up at tread of giant boot



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