Middle-Earth World > General Discussion


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Hi there!

First of all I#ve joined the Forum because I'm curious about the project and I wanted to ask you for permission to post some of your great graphics on the MERP Wiki (http://merp.wikia.com/wiki/Middle-earth_Role_Playing_Wiki)  They would be a really fantastic addition...


Hi Haerengil, welcome to the boards! That's a cool site! Did you do all of that yourself?

Sure, post whatever you like. I've got the contents of our main site on hd as well:

We're looking for a wiki I think...I was wondering if you could help or advise???


ps you can find a good map of Edoras here:

Thank you,

I think especially your graphics of the Forodwaith and Near-Harad Lands would fit in perfectly!

I´d like to help but I'm not an expert for databases... that's why i chose Wikia, because it's open and free.I've heard thar Mediawiki is pretty good however...

about Merpedia.... well I've done a lot on it but not alone, there are other contributors as well.And after all It's just a tribute to all the original work that has been done by the people from ICE and many others...  I see myself rather as the chronicler than the inventor or explorer.

I was looking through your wiki and I found the Forodwaith maps and there was some extra detail in them which might be useful to us. I used the ICE Northern Waste scenario to place towns and such and the topo map ain't that great. I see one of your maps has some more forests on there which would be great to use. So I'll have to add those to the core GIS data, and will incorporate them into any future versions.
 I also quite like the global rendition map- it fitted with my ideas how I imagine I would create it= strongly suggestive of Earth but changed. That's still a possibility for the future as we can create terrain an order of magnitude faster now with our knowledge and better tools.
 Yes, I know quite a bit about Tolkien, but I'm not a purist, in that I'm just having fun with it- I'm speaking for myself when I say that, others may have their own motivations and views.
 If you have access to any better maps of the north, Harad or Rhun area please let us know. I know there is a more detailed map of the Rhun area but it's probably lost on old hds.
 I also like the site maps like the Dwarven strongholds- would be great to get them all in modelled in 3D. :-D
 Oh yes, before I forget, I made some detailed maps of the City of Gundabad and the surrounding area which you might like to include on the wiki.They're in pdf form. I took the ICE scenario and took the core area of each city level as detailed in the scenario, and drew it on a sheet of A1 paper. I then extended the tunnels using the feature distribution information in the scenario. The maps are large scale so the tunnels are in line form with features/areas marked with lettering scheme. I also mapped out the sewerage system and wetways as they were called, which can be travelled by barge navigating between levels via a system of vertical locks. The fungal caves and the mines are detaield as well.
 The surrounding area map is a canyon running through the Gundalok shelf. There are tunnels connecting various places throughout the entire Rhovanion area.
 I think what would be sweeet is to have a url link system in Outerra (it already has something very similar in a Google Style hud display in the corner). So you could click on a site in the world and it would open up some info either in game or in a broswer or something. As we've said before, this is not a game, but a visualisation, so something like that would be perfect.


I#ve drawn quite a lot of maps in my  time, but they're quite bad in comparison to the ones drawn by Mister Fenlon, Thomas Morwinski or Sampsa Rydman...

most of them are here:

the continental maps are all based on Pete Fenlons original map, but the outlines of his drawings were laid upon real-world map coastlines by me so the proportions are far bigger.I also experimented with a small globe, first I laif Tolkiens shaping of ME maps on a real-world globe, then i altered the coastlines to align them with the ICE maps...
it#s not purist, i just tried to find some kind of compromise between the ICE Version and most other Versions that are based on shaping of middle-earth.

One thing i always tried to do with my maps of the westlands was use all information, first Tolkiens and Christopher Tolkiens own maps, the ICE, then Daniel Reeves Decipher maps and finally the Maps from LOTRO, where for example the great woodlands of the Forodwaith I used in my map have their origin.


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